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Robotics, AI and Automation Projects >>
Dynamic Leap and Efficient Gait of LITTLEDOG Robot
Mar 05, 2008

(c) GRASP Lab, University of Pennsylvania

In this project we studied and optimized a dynamic behavior and an efficient gait of the LittleDog robot as a part of the Learning Locomotion project.


  1. MSC Simulation Software Award at the 2008 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC), New York City, NY. (August 2008): JPG photo of certificate


  1. Paul Vernaza, Maxim Likhachev, Subhrajit Bhattacharya, Sachin Chitta, Aleksandr Kushleyev and Daniel D. Lee, "Search-based planning for a legged robot over rough terrain", In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). 12-17 May, pages 2380-2387, 2009. (BibTeX)
    [   PDF  |  URL  ]
  2. Subhrajit Bhattacharya, Sachin Chitta, Vijay Kumar and Daniel Lee, "Optimization of a Planer Quadruped Dynamic Leap", [Winner of MSC Simulation Software Award]. In Proceedings of 2008 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC). New York City, NY, 3-6 August, 2008. (BibTeX)

Technical Report and Paper:

  1. Subhrajit Bhattacharya, "Simultaneous Body and Leg Motion Employed in the Gait of the LittleDog Robot", Technical Report, University of Pennsylvania, 2008. (BibTeX)
    [  PDF report  ]
  2. Subhrajit Bhattacharya, "Motion planning in stratified workspace manifold", PhD qualifying exam thesis, University of Pennsylvania, 2007. (BibTeX)


  1. Motion planning in stratified workspace manifold (PhD qualifying exam presentation): Presentation and Movies (29.8 MB)
  2. Subhrajit Bhattacharya, "An elementary Presentation and Movies on LittleDog robot", In Invited talk for an undergraduate level class on Robotics at the Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania. Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania, March, 2008. (BibTeX)
    [  PPT  ]
  3. Subhrajit Bhattacharya, Sachin Chitta, Vijay Kumar and Daniel Lee, "Optimization of a Planer Quadruped Dynamic Leap", In 2008 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC). New York City, NY, August, 2008. (BibTeX)


  1. Dynamic leap with optimized parameters, used to place the front legs of the LittleDog Robot on a short step: WMV movie (50.3 KB)
  2. Dynamic leap with optimized parameters, used to cross a short Barrier - Full Movie: QuickTime movie (3.63 MB)
  3. Dynamic leap with optimized parameters, used to cross a short Barrier - Full Movie: QuickTime movie (2.39 MB)

Robotics Research PublicationsProjects

Page last modified on July 18, 2010, at 01:54 PM EST.
(cc) Subhrajit Bhattacharya