Neel Shah

MATH 104 - FALL 2012

Recitations will be conducted every Tuesday in DRL 3W2 from 8:30am to 9:30am for section 265 and from 9:30am to 10:30am for section 266.

They ARE NOT a rehash of lectures. Recitations are small, discussion-based classes, designed to review general concepts from lecture and to solve problems. At the beginning of recitation, I will hand back quizzes. I will address the general issues most of the class had on homework problems and on the quizzes (common mistakes made, use of terminology, etc.) as well as give tips and tricks to make certain problems easier and quicker to solve. As recitations are small, I expect you to come prepared with specific aspects of the lecture that you do not understand, so that we as a group can collectively assist you. If I cannot answer your questions on the fly, I will be happy to meet with you during office hours and will email the class the solutions to the problems we discuss. If no one has any questions about the lecture material for the week, I will give some extra practice problems to be solved in class. Attendance and participation are expected. If you are to miss recitation for a religious reason or any other reason, please tell me ahead of time.

  • Short quizzes will be given in the last 10-15 minutes of recitation. Quizzes are designed to test your knowledge of the material presented in lecture from the previous week and are solvable in the allotted time. Quizzes will be worth 6 points each and will generally be 2 problems similar to those on the homework. Please see the GENERAL GUIDELINES AND THE GRADING PATTERN section for more information. Feel free to stop by in my office hours from Thursday 4:30pm to 6:30pm

    MATH 312 - FALL 2012

    The homeworks will be graded for completeness and specially selected problems would be graded for correctness. Each question will be graded whether for correctness/completeness out of 3. Feel free to get back to me for errors like totaling mistakes or ungraded problems. I am a human-being and I CAN make mistakes. No re-grade requests will be entertained after 1 week of the returning of the homework. As instructed by Prof. Jauregui you are supposed to submit your homework at the begining of the class and you will be handed that back by the same day the week after. Feel free to let me know if you haven't received your homework back but do that at the earliest. Feel free to stop by in DRL 3W3 every Thursday between 4:30pm and 5:30pm.


    You get no points for a blank answer. 1 point for an attempt in the right direction. 2 for carrying that attempt to the end and making some silly mistake which affected the correctness of your answer and 3 points for a flawless answer. You are responsible for checking that I have correctly entered your grades in Blackboard. If you believe I have made an error in grading, please email me. Make sure that your name and recitation section is written on your assignment. I reserve the right to not grade your assignment if it is illegible, as such you will receive a lower grade or a 0.

  • No late homework will be accepted for any reason whatsoever. With this policy in mind, I will drop your one lowest homework grade on each of the online and written assignments at the end of the semester. I understand that everyone has a stressful week or two, so if you do not complete an assignment, do not fret!

    Cheating will not be tolerated. You are expected to abide by Penn's Code of Academic Integrity. Whatever you claim as your work should be ONLY your work.

  • If you wish to get in touch with me please put UG : MATH-104 or UG : MATH-312 (as applicable) in the subject line! I get lots of emails every day and your email is likely to get higher preference if I know what it will be about! You should always feel free to email me with any course-related questions and concerns, but as email is an inefficient medium for mathematical communication, I cannot promise to resolve specific math questions via email. Instead I would be happy to go over them during recitation or during my office hours.