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Moez Library Catalog Search Hints

This searches the listing of all the Moez Mathematics Book Collection. The data base contains only the Author, Title, and Publisher. The search is not case sensitive. In a pattern | means OR (slower), \b matches a word "boundary". Accented characters (Umlauts etc.) are not found; see accent for some tricks.
   pattern                finds
   -------        ------------------------------------------
 ring		ring rings bring string scattering Springer etc.
 \bring		ring  rings  (but not: bring scattering Springer or string)
 ring\b         ring  bring  string  scattering  (but not: rings or Springer) 
 \bring\b	ring  Ring  RING  (but not: rings  bring  etc.)
 algebraic sy	algebraic systems  algebraic symbols  etc.
 modu|gauss     unimodular  Gauss  gaussian etc. [NO extra spaces around  |  ]
The more complicated pattern:
    lie algebra|cohomology|deformation
locates all books with any of "representation", "Lie algebra", "cohomology", or "deformation" in their title or as their subject.

If you also enter a second pattern, the (faster) search will match only if BOTH patterns are found. For instance if the first pattern is riemann and the second pattern is geometry , then it will only match entries in which both riemann AND geometry occur somewhere (case insensitive always). This runs faster if the least likely pattern is placed first. Thus, riemann AND geometry runs faster than geometry AND riemann.

Patterns with Accents

One procedure to search for a name, such as Poincaré or Kähler that has an accented character is to use only a portion of the name that does not contain any accented character; thus poincar and hler might be used for Poincaré or Kähler.
A better procedure is to substitute a "wild card" for the accented character: replace each accented character by \S*. Thus search for poincar\S* and k\S*hler This procedure will even catch versions such as Kaehler where an additional letter has been used..
EXPERTS: All these are perl "Regular Expression" patterns.